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Welcome to the Nashville Star Parties booking page!

Experience the wonder of the cosmos with our star party service! Stargazing offers a captivating and unique way to entertain guests with an experienced astronomer providing a professional telescope for observing the night sky. Whether you're planning a wedding, birthday celebration, educational event, or simply seeking an unforgettable experience, we're here to ensure your night under the stars is truly magical.

During a star party, you'll have the opportunity to explore a variety of celestial wonders, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mars, the Moon, nebulae like Orion, double stars like Arcturus, and occasionally even the Sun (using a specialized filter)! Please note that the viewing experience may vary depending on weather conditions, atmospheric clarity, and the time of year.

Star Party Pricing:

  • $50 per hour for small private events (up to 15 people)
  • $100 per hour for private events with large groups (up to 200 people)
  • No cost for educational events at public schools (up to 200 people). Private schools will be subject to the above pricing.

**Note that additional fees may apply for travel outside of the greater Nashville area. Please read the booking terms in the form before submitting a request.**

starry background with telescope icon

REQUESTS ONLY AVAILABLE THRU AUGUST 10, 2024!! Click below to fill out a star party request!